Paragraph: (Fiction-stories-masc-captured_moments-10.txt)
Sent 1: The side of Malaquez's parcel gave way to reveal a greenmunk caught in a sheen of solid air.
Sent 2: Bits of leaf mold flew from under his feet as he ran to greet a friend or a bringer of food.
Sent 3: Tasha oohed in awe.
Sent 4: I said, "Frodo's been visiting you, eh?"
Sent 5: Malaquez said, "Your pet?"
Sent 6: "Hardly.
Sent 7: He lives around here somewhere.
Sent 8: I suppose he was attracted to the commotion up the hill."
Sent 9: "Ah," Malaquez said.
Sent 10: "Why 'Frodo'?"
Sent 11: Tasha said, "A little fellow with big, furry feet.
Sent 12: What else could he be called?"
Sent 13: She handed the sculpture to me.
Sent 14: I almost dropped it; I expected it to weigh no more than a holo.
Sent 15: "Heavy," I said, as if he might not have known.
Sent 16: He laughed.
Sent 17: "My last piece was of four old Undersiders crouched around a trash fire.
Sent 18: Be glad someone didn't toss that to you."
Sent 19: He spoke of his art with the enthusiasm of a seven-year-old.
Sent 20: "Um, I should wait to importune you, but..."
Question: Is the sculpture heavy? (true/0)
Question: Where does Frodo live? (true/1)
Question: Where does Frodo get his name? (true/2)
Question: Is Frodo the narrator's pet? (true/3)
Question: Did Tasha know that the sculpture was heavy? (true/4)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
Generated from a file named: /Users/daniel/ideaProjects/hard-qa/split/train_456.json