Paragraph: (Fiction-stories/
Sent 1: Pester came running into the room.
Sent 2: He came to a fast stop when he saw the dog.
Sent 3: He'd seen a dog before, every cat has, and he used to live with a black dog named Henry, but he'd never seen a brown one before.
Sent 4: It seemed strange to him, but not as strange as it was to see Linda the brown chicken in the living room last spring.
Sent 5: That still confused him.
Sent 6: He thought he liked this dog, not because of the color, but because it was small.
Sent 7: And it was so hairy.
Sent 8: It was a like a mop that could run around.
Sent 9: He jumped on his favorite chair and looked down as Maggie ran under it.
Sent 10: She was kind of cute for a dog, Pester thought to himself.
Sent 11: He layed down on the chair and pawed at her as she ran in a circle under it.
Sent 12: He tapped her ears as she went by, and waved his tail like a flag trying to get her attention.
Sent 13: After a little more of this, Pester curled up in a ball on the chair and took a nap.
Question: What kind of animals has Pester now seen who were brown? (false/0)
Question: What color was the dog Pester saw when he came running into the room? (false/1)
Question: What is the name of the dog who Pester saw when running into the room? (true/2)
Question: Why did Pester think of a mop when he saw the dog? (true/3)
Question: Was Pester already familiar with dogs when he came running into the room? (true/4)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
Generated from a file named: /Users/daniel/ideaProjects/hard-qa/split/train_456.json