Paragraph: (Fiction/gutenberg-10012.txt)
Sent 1: At length, as I entered the pass, the huge rocks began to close around in all their wild, mysterious impressiveness, when suddenly, as I was gazing eagerly about me, a drove of gray hairy beings came in sight, lumbering toward me with a kind of boneless, wallowing motion like bears.
Sent 2: I never turn back, though often so inclined, and in this particular instance, amid such surroundings, everything seemed singularly unfavorable for the calm acceptance of so grim a company.
Sent 3: Suppressing my fears, I soon discovered that although as hairy as bears and as crooked as summit pines, the strange creatures were sufficiently erect to belong to our own species.
Sent 4: They proved to be nothing more formidable than Mono Indians dressed in the skins of sage-rabbits.
Sent 5: Both the men and the women begged persistently for whisky and tobacco, and seemed so accustomed to denials that I found it impossible to convince them that I had none to give.
Sent 6: Excepting the names of these two products of civilization, they seemed to understand not a word of English; but I afterward learned that they were on their way to Yosemite Valley to feast awhile on trout and procure a load of acorns to carry back through the pass to their huts on the shore of Mono Lake.
Question: What were the strange creatures? (true/0)
Question: What tribe were the men and women from? (true/1)
Question: Which two products were the mono Indians able to name? (true/2)
Question: What were the two English words they knew? (true/3)
Question: What did the strangers want and what were they wearing? (true/4)
Question: What did the narrator consider doing when first approached by the Indians and how did he feel? (true/5)
Question: How was he able to find that the mono Indians did not understand English? (true/6)
Question: Where did the pass lead to? (true/7)
Question: Who did the narrator meet on his journey and what were they on their way to do? (true/8)
Question: Why was he inclined to turn back? (true/9)
Question: Why did everything seem grim? (true/10)
Question: Who was traveling to Yosemite Valley? (true/11)
Question: What color were the rabbit skins? (true/12)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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