Paragraph: (Fiction/mctest-mc160.test.14-0.txt)
Sent 1: It is almost summer time.
Sent 2: Spring has been very long and very rainy.
Sent 3: Winter was very warm and very long.
Sent 4: In the winter the snows falls on the ground.
Sent 5: It covers all the grass.
Sent 6: It covers all the trees.
Sent 7: It covers all the flowers.
Sent 8: In the winter, the chipmunk goes to sleep.
Sent 9: The chipmunk works all summer long to gather enough food for the winter.
Sent 10: The chipmunk gathers berries.
Sent 11: The chipmunk gathers pine cones.
Sent 12: The chipmunk drops the pine cones off our roof and rolls them to her favorite hiding place.
Sent 13: Boom!
Sent 14: Boom!
Sent 15: Boom!
Sent 16: The pine cones sound so loud when they drop off the roof!
Sent 17: The snow melts away in the spring.
Sent 18: It is off the ground in our yard by the month of May.
Sent 19: In June, there is still snow on the mountains.
Sent 20: The snow on the mountains is still there until July.
Sent 21: In May the grass starts to grow.
Sent 22: In June, the flowers bloom again.
Sent 23: In July, we go swimming in the lake.
Sent 24: We get to play all summer.
Sent 25: We do not have to go to school.
Sent 26: We do not have to gather pine cones for food.
Sent 27: We get to play outside and we get to have cook outs.
Sent 28: We are not chipmunks.
Sent 29: We are children.
Sent 30: Our mom makes us lemonade in the summer time.
Sent 31: Our mom takes us to the beach.
Sent 32: Our mom lets us have a lot of campfires.
Sent 33: Our mom mows the lawn.
Sent 34: It is summer time and now we play for 90 days and the chipmunk works for 90 days.
Sent 35: In the winter we work and go to school and the chipmunk gets to sleep.
Sent 36: I am glad it is summer and I am glad that I am a human child and not a chipmunk.
Sent 37: I am glad that we get to be awake through all the seasons.
Sent 38: I like spring.
Sent 39: I like fall.
Sent 40: I like winter.
Sent 41: My favorite time of all is, for sure, summer!
Question: What covered all the grass, trees and flowers? (false/0)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
Generated from a file named: /Users/daniel/ideaProjects/hard-qa/split/train_456.json