Paragraph: (Science-textbook/science-g3-18.txt)
Sent 1: Do all plants live on the land?
Sent 2: Some plants do live in the water.
Sent 3: To do this, they have evolved special traits.
Sent 4: Plants that live in water are called aquatic plants.
Sent 5: Living in water has certain benefits.
Sent 6: There is certainly plenty of water!
Sent 7: The plant does not need special traits to absorb, transport, or conserve water.
Sent 8: They do not need a large root system.
Sent 9: They do not need a strong stem to hold up the plant.
Sent 10: The plant uses the water for support.
Sent 11: Dont think water plants have it easy, though.
Sent 12: They also face challenges.
Sent 13: Living in water isnt that easy.
Sent 14: They do need some special traits to survive.
Sent 15: It is tough for the plant to reproduce.
Sent 16: Pollination by wind or animals cant happen under water.
Sent 17: Sunlight cannot reach very far beneath the waters surface.
Sent 18: Some aquatic plants have floating flowers and leaves.
Question: What are two things that make it tough for an aquatic plant to reproduce? (true/0)
Question: Where do some plants live that don't live on land? (true/1)
Question: Do aquatic plants require special traits to conserve water? (true/2)
Question: Where do plants live besides on land? (false/3)
Question: Are there benefits to living in water (false/4)
Question: Plants in water do not have a strong stem support to hold them up so what holds them upright? (true/5)
Question: Do plants living in water have difficulty (false/6)
Question: Plants that live in water have special benefits and they don't need what things that plants on land do need? (true/7)
Question: Is a large root system necessary for plants that live in water? (false/8)
Question: How is an aquatic plant held up? (true/9)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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