Paragraph: (Science-textbook/science-g3-33.txt)
Sent 1: Have you ever seen an egg?
Sent 2: Some animals do not have live births.
Sent 3: Instead, they lay eggs.
Sent 4: The eggs contain the embryo.
Sent 5: The embryo matures in the egg.
Sent 6: With time, it will hatch.
Sent 7: Some animals hatch and do not need care from their parents.
Sent 8: They are ready to live on their own.
Sent 9: Other animals will still need the care of their parents.
Sent 10: Sea turtles break out of their shells.
Sent 11: They immediately walk to the ocean.
Sent 12: They do this with no help from an adult.
Sent 13: Birds stay in the nest for many weeks.
Sent 14: They are cared for by their parents.
Sent 15: They leave the nest when they are strong enough to fly.
Sent 16: Some animals give birth to live offspring.
Sent 17: Animals like horses, cows, and whales give live birth.
Sent 18: Their offspring are born looking like mini adults.
Question: What happens to baby birds? (true/0)
Question: What are some examples of animals that are born looking like mini adults? (false/1)
Question: Give an example of an animal that needs the care of its parents after birth. (true/2)
Question: How do sea turtles behave after being born? (true/3)
Question: What are the two kinds of hatching behavior? (false/4)
Question: What is an example of an animal that hatches from eggs and does not need the care of their parents? (true/5)
Question: What can recently hatched sea turtles do? (true/6)
Question: Give some examples of animals that have offspring that look like mini-adults. (true/7)
Question: How do young birds behave? (true/8)
Question: Why are birds cared for many weeks before they leave the nest? (true/9)
Question: After hatching, how long do birds stay in their nests before leaving to learn to fly? (true/10)
Question: Are birds cared for by their parents? (false/11)
Question: Do Sea Turtles need help from their families? (true/12)
Question: What is an example of an animal that gives live birth? (true/13)
Question: Name two examples of animals that lay eggs. (true/14)
Question: What is a characteristic of the offspring of animals that give live births? (false/15)
Question: Give an example of an animal that does not need the care of its parents after birth. (false/16)
Question: Do sea turtles need the care of their parents after hatching? (false/17)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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