Paragraph: (Science-textbook/science-g4-58.txt)
Sent 1: How can you describe your location?
Sent 2: You might use a familiar system.
Sent 3: You might say, 'I live at 1234 Main Street, Springfield, Ohio.' You could also say, 'I live right behind the Elementary School.' This method uses the school as a point of reference.
Sent 4: Another example is, I am at the corner of Maple Street and Main Street. Both streets may be a good reference for anyone living in your town.
Sent 5: Scientists must be able to pinpoint a feature they are studying.
Sent 6: Scientists use a special system to describe locations.
Sent 7: They use latitude and longitude as a reference.
Sent 8: Lines of latitude and longitude form a grid.
Sent 9: You may have used a grid system while doing graphing.
Sent 10: This grid is centered on a reference point.
Sent 11: Zero latitude is the equator.
Sent 12: Lines of latitude run east to west.
Sent 13: They divide the Earth from North to South.
Sent 14: Lines of longitude run from north to south.
Sent 15: They divide the Earth from East to West.
Sent 16: Zero longitude runs through Greenwich, England.
Sent 17: You may have heard the term, Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT.
Sent 18: The system of latitude and longitude works well for objects that do not move.
Question: How do scientists describe locations? (false/0)
Question: Where are zero longitude and latitude located? (true/1)
Question: What reference points do scientists use to describe location? (false/2)
Question: Which directions could you be going if you followed the equator? (true/3)
Question: How do lines of longitude and latitude differ from one and another? (false/4)
Question: Would a line of latitude that runs through Greenwich, England, divide the Earth from north to south or from east to west? (true/5)
Question: Which directions could you be going if you followed the zero longitude line? (false/6)
Question: What line, running north to south, passes through Greenwich, England and is also at the equator? (false/7)
Question: Which way do lines of latitude run and what do they divide? (false/8)
Question: Why do scientists use latitude and longitude as a reference? (true/9)
Question: What does GMT stand for and how it is determined? (false/10)
Question: What are two ways of describing the same location? (true/11)
Question: Does the equator divide the Earth from east to west or from north to south? (true/12)
Question: Lines of latitude running East to West divide the earth from? (false/13)
Question: What two major ways do scientist divide the Earth to pinpoint location? (false/14)
Question: What are some ways besides latitude and longitude in which people describe location? (true/15)
Question: Which way do lines of longitude run and what do they divide? (false/16)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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