Paragraph: (Sept11-reports/oanc-chapter-1-32.txt)
Sent 1: The Agencies Confer When they learned a second plane had struck the World Trade Center, nearly everyone in the White House told us, they immediately knew it was not an accident.
Sent 2: The Secret Service initiated a number of security enhancements around the White House complex.
Sent 3: The officials who issued these orders did not know that there were additional hijacked aircraft, or that one such aircraft was en route to Washington.
Sent 4: These measures were precautionary steps taken because of the strikes in New York.
Sent 5: The FAA and White House Teleconferences.
Sent 6: The FAA, the White House, and the Defense Department each initiated a multiagency teleconference before 9:30.
Sent 7: Because none of these teleconferences-at least before 10:00- included the right officials from both the FAA and Defense Department, none succeeded in meaningfully coordinating the military and FAA response to the hijackings.
Sent 8: At about 9:20, security personnel at FAA headquarters set up a hijacking teleconference with several agencies, including the Defense Department.
Sent 9: The NMCC officer who participated told us that the call was monitored only periodically because the information was sporadic, it was of little value, and there were other important tasks.
Sent 10: The FAA manager of the teleconference also remembered that the military participated only briefly before the Pentagon was hit.
Sent 11: Both individuals agreed that the teleconference played no role in coordinating a response to the attacks of 9/11.
Sent 12: Acting Deputy Administrator Belger was frustrated to learn later in the morning that the military had not been on the call.
Sent 13: At the White House, the video teleconference was conducted from the Situation Room by Richard Clarke, a special assistant to the president long involved in counterterrorism.
Sent 14: Logs indicate that it began at 9:25 and included the CIA; the FBI; the departments of State, Justice, and Defense; the FAA; and the White House shelter.
Sent 15: The FAA and CIA joined at 9:40.
Sent 16: The first topic addressed in the White House video teleconference-at about 9:40-was the physical security of the President, the White House, and federal agencies.
Sent 17: Immediately thereafter it was reported that a plane had hit the Pentagon.
Sent 18: We found no evidence that video teleconference participants had any prior information that American 77 had been hijacked and was heading directly toward Washington.
Question: When did the video teleconference in the situation room begin? (true/0)
Question: Did the CIA participate in discussion about the US President's safety? (true/1)
Question: Did the strike on the Pentagon come up at all during the White House conference call? (false/2)
Question: Why did the FAA and White House teleconferences fail to stop the plane from hitting the Pentagon? (true/3)
Question: What agencies were involved with the video teleconference was conducted from the Situation Room by Richard Clarke? (true/4)
Question: When did the teleconference held by Richard Clarke begin in the White House Situation Room? (false/5)
Question: What was the Secret Service's initial reaction to the second plane hitting the WTC? (true/6)
Question: Why had Belger been annoyed that the military was not in on the morning call? (true/7)
Question: How many minutes had elapsed before the FAA joined the video teleconference call conducted by Richard Clarke? (true/8)
Question: Who confirmed that the teleconference was not important to the coordination of a response to the attack? (false/9)
Question: What motivated Secret Service to enhance White House security? (false/10)
Question: Why couldn't the FAA and the Defense Department officials coordinate a military response during the conference call set up at FAA headquarters at 9:20? (true/11)
Question: Which two participants agreed that the hijacking teleconference played no role in coordinating a response to the attacks of 9/11? (false/12)
Question: When did the Secret Service initiate security enhancements around the White House? (true/13)
Question: The 9:20 teleconference set up by the FAA was not useful for what reason? (true/14)
Question: What caused the Secret Service to enhance security around the White House complex? (true/15)
Question: When did the FAA and the CIA join the video teleconference? (true/16)
Question: To what did the CIA and FAA begin participating in at 9:40? (false/17)
Question: What did the Secret Service not realize when it first set up precautions around the White House complex? (false/18)
Question: What two people agreed that the teleconference played no role in coordinating a response to the attacks of 9/11? (false/19)
Question: The teleconference in the Situation Room, determined its first topic would be what? (false/20)
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