Paragraph: (Sept11-reports/oanc-chapter-6-33.txt)
Sent 1: The Principals Committee had its first meeting on al Qaeda on September 4.
Sent 2: On the day of the meeting, Clarke sent Rice an impassioned personal note.
Sent 3: He criticized U.S. counterterrorism efforts past and present.
Sent 4: The "real question" before the principals, he wrote, was "are we serious about dealing with the al Qida threat?
Sent 5: Is al Qida a big deal?
Sent 6: Decision makers should imagine themselves on a future day when the CSG has not succeeded in stopping al Qida attacks and hundreds of Americans lay dead in several countries, including the US," Clarke wrote.
Sent 7: "What would those decision makers wish that they had done earlier?
Sent 8: That future day could happen at any time."
Sent 9: Clarke then turned to the Cole."
Sent 10: The fact that the USS Cole was attacked during the last Administration does not absolve us of responding for the attack," he wrote.
Sent 11: "Many in al Qida and the Taliban may have drawn the wrong lesson from the Cole: that they can kill Americans without there being a US response, without there being a price."
Question: On what date did Clarke send Rice a note criticizing U.S. counter-terrorism efforts? (false/0)
Question: The real question' is 'is al Qida a big deal'. Who did Clarke expect to answer this? (true/1)
Question: Who said that the USS Cole was attacked during the Clinton administration? (true/2)
Question: What two things did Clarke urge decision makers to do because the future could happen at any time? (true/3)
Question: Who did Clarke criticized when he sent Rice an impassioned personal note? (false/4)
Question: What was the main subject of the Principal Committee's meeting? (false/5)
Question: Who states that "The Taliban may have drawn the wrong lesson from the Cole"? (true/6)
Question: When Clarke sent Rice the note, who was having a meeting? (true/7)
Question: On September 4, who criticized U.S. counterterrorism efforts? (true/8)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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