Paragraph: (Society_Law_and_Justice/oanc-Aid_Gets_7_Million-1.txt)
Sent 1: On a day it celebrated 50 years of giving free legal advice, Southern Arizona Legal Aid announced it has received two grants totaling more than $7 million.
Sent 2: One of the grants includes the creation of a Web site with legal advice for the poor.
Sent 3: A three-year grant worth $6.6 million and a separate technology grant were announced at a press conference and dinner held Thursday at Evo.
Sent 4: A. DeConcini Federal Courthouse, 405 W. Congress St. Deconcini was one of the organization's early board members.
Sent 5: Thursday's celebration was the first public even held at the courthouse.
Sent 6: About 100 members of the legal community attended, including state Attorney General Janet Napolitano and Arizona Supreme Court Justice Thomas Zlaket.
Sent 7: Both grants come from the Legal Services., a private, nonprofit corporation established by Congress in 1974 to offer poor people equal access to the justice system.
Sent 8: It's funded through congressional appropriation.
Sent 9: The $6.6 million grant will pay for staffing operations.
Sent 10: The Web site, which will be created with a $50,000 grant, is intended to offer legal advice to poor people across Arizona, said Paul Julian, chief executive officer of Southern Arizona Legal Aid.
Sent 11: He said he wants every poor person in Arizona to have legal help.
Sent 12: "This is another step in trying to realize that.
Sent 13: We feel like we do a pretty good job of helping people who find us," Julian said.
Sent 14: Julian said that though most people do not own computers, they can still access them at libraries, schools, and courthouses.
Sent 15: He said the Web site will help bridge the "digital divide" that keeps the poor from using the Internet as a resource.
Sent 16: Southern Arizona Legal Aid was founded in 1951 as the Legal Aid Society of the Pima County Bar Association.
Sent 17: It offered free legal advice on civil matters including disputes in small claims court, divorce proceedings and obtaining Social Security benefits.
Sent 18: Charles Ares, a member of the board of directors in the 1950s, said the office was kind of a charity operation.
Question: Who will the Web site benefit? (false/0)
Question: What is the total amount for the grants and how are they to be used? (true/1)
Question: What grants did Southern Arizona Legal Aid receive on the day it celebrated 50 years of giving free legal advice? (true/2)
Question: How are the grants administered? (false/3)
Question: Who is the CEO of Southern Arizona Legal aid and how does he plan to help the poor conquer the digital divide? (true/4)
Question: What day of the week was the 50th anniversary celebrated on and how many members attended? (true/5)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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