Paragraph: (Society_Law_and_Justice/oanc-Barnes_Volunteers-1.txt)
Sent 1: Defeated last month for re-election, Gov. Roy Barnes announced Tuesday that he will spend his first six months out of office as an unpaid attorney for the Atlanta Legal Aid Society, where he will represent poor people.
Sent 2: "One day I'll probably do some legal work that I will charge a handsome fee for - at least I hope there are those that are still willing to pay," he told reporters.
Sent 3: "But for now, I think it is important to fulfill my duty as a lawyer to help those who need it the most, to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves and to defend those whose life and livelihoods depend on it," he said.
Sent 4: Previous governors have gone to prestigious law firms, joined corporate boards or returned to thriving businesses.
Sent 5: "I don't think I've ever heard of anybody doing this before," Emory University political science professor Merle Black said.
Sent 6: "If he's actually going to represent individuals for that organization, they're going to get great representation.
Sent 7: You're going to get some powerful legal muscle there," Mr. Black said.
Sent 8: Mr. Barnes said he already has his first case, but he wouldn't say what it is.
Sent 9: Atlanta Legal Aid provides civil services to poor people in five metro Atlanta counties.
Sent 10: Mr. Barnes said he was hoping to send a message to other lawyers.
Sent 11: "This privilege to practice law is just that - it's a privilege.
Sent 12: And it comes with a cost and it comes with a bill .
Sent 13: We as lawyers have a responsibility to make sure that everyone, regardless of whether they can afford it or not, has quality representation.
Sent 14: And if we don't do that, then we're not much of a profession," he said.
Sent 15: Steven Gottlieb, the society's executive director, said, "I can't imagine anything that could be better than to have the governor of the state, in his first act as a private citizen, donate six months of his time to represent poor people .
Question: Where did Roy Barnes decide to work for his first 6 months out and what do they do? (true/0)
Question: Why did Mr. Barnes make the choice to work for the Atlanta Legal Aid Society? (false/1)
Question: Why is Gov. Roy Barnes donating his time after being in office? (false/2)
Question: Will he be practicing with a high priced law firm? (true/3)
Question: What does Merle Black think of Mr. Barnes decision to work for the Atlanta Legal Aid Society? (true/4)
Question: Does Gov Barnes thinks that all people are entitled to good lawyers regardless of their means to pay? (true/5)
Question: How is Gov. Roy Barnes' career choice different from previous governors? (true/6)
Question: Have previous governors taken the same path as Barnes after leaving office? (false/7)
Question: What does Roy Barnes think about the privilege of practicing law? (true/8)
Question: After losing re-election what did Roy Barnes say he would do? (true/9)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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