Paragraph: (Society_Law_and_Justice/oanc-Coup_Reshapes_Legal_Aid-1.txt)
Sent 1: A government-sponsored coup last year made Bruce Iwasaki and Neal Dudovitz the kings of Los Angeles County's federally funded legal aid community.
Sent 2: The two men emerged atop a changed landscape that resulted from a decade of begging for a share of shrinking public dollars doled out by an unsympathetic GOP-controlled Congress.
Sent 3: That era was capped in 1998, when the Legal Services Corp. forced 275 legal aid providers nationwide to combine into 179.
Sent 4: To comply with the orders from their main funding source, a new species of poverty lawyer emerged - a tech-savvy and button-down breed who swapped neighborhood walkin offices for toll-free phone lines, self-help kiosks and Internet access to legal advice.
Sent 5: While some organizations made the dramatic change look effortless, for others, it did not come easy.
Sent 6: And few programs provide more dramatic illustrations of the promise and pitfalls of government-funded legal services than Los Angeles County's two largest providers of federally funded services - Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles and Pacoima-based Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County.
Sent 7: From his offices in Koreatown, Iwasaki, a soft-spoken former O'Melveny & Myers attorney, quietly engineered a merger between a much smaller Legal Aid Society of Long Beach and his program, the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles.
Sent 8: The merger was completed peacefully within a year of the federal order.
Sent 9: Today, the programs operate seamlessly, offering new innovations - including toll-free multilingual phone advisers, expanded hours for domestic-violence clinics, and renewed immigration and consumer aid - built on the foundations of the old program.
Sent 10: The organization is Los Angeles' largest government-funded group, with a budget of $11 million leveraged into $40 million in legal services to the poor.
Question: What was the result of the change in funding? (true/0)
Question: Who was the owner of Legal Aid Society of Long Beach before the merger? (true/1)
Question: Which organization is Los Angele's largest government-funded group? (false/2)
Question: What was the result of the merger? (true/3)
Question: What kind of legal services did Legal Aid Society of Long Beach and Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles provide? (true/4)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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