Paragraph: (Society_Law_and_Justice/oanc-fight_domestic_abuse-2.txt)
Sent 1: A West Tennessee nonprofit organization will use a $300,000 federal grant to hire an attorney and a Spanish-speaking paralegal to help provide legal assistance to domestic violence victims.
Sent 2: The U.S. Department of Justice two-year grant will begin Oct. 1, which is the start of domestic violence awareness month.
Sent 3: U.S. Rep. John Tanner announced Monday that the grant was awarded to West Tennessee Legal Services of Jackson.
Sent 4: The organization provides legal assistance and advocacy in 17 counties.
Sent 5: "This award will offer assistance as we look for whatever ways possible to stop domestic violence and help the women, men and children who are victims of abuse," Tanner said in a news statement.
Sent 6: The organization doesn't have a staff member who speaks Spanish and the need is increasing with growing Hispanic populations, said the organization's executive director Steven Xanthopoulos.
Sent 7: He estimated the money will help handle at least another 180 cases next year.
Sent 8: The group closes about 2,500 cases a year.
Sent 9: The money was timed well because the legal group had recently lost about $120,000 in grant money due to a decrease in the poverty population in West Tennessee in Census 2000, Xanthopoulos said.
Sent 10: "The drop in poverty is a good thing, but there is still a great need out there," he said.
Sent 11: "So this was a very good thing."
Sent 12: Having legal representation at divorce and child custody hearings is important in helping victims leave abusive and sometimes dangerous situations, said Margaret Cole, executive director of Wo/Men's Resource and Rape Assistance Program in Jackson.
Sent 13: Her organization and Northwest Safeline are partners in the grant.
Sent 14: Northwest Safeline, based in Dyersburg, is a family violence intervention project that serves Dyer, Obion, Lake and Crockett counties.
Question: What organization is partnered with Northwest Safeline for a grant? (true/0)
Question: Where do West Tennessee Legal Servies of Jackson provide legal services? (true/1)
Question: How many cases does the West Tennessee Legal Services of Jackson close a year? (true/2)
Question: What organization provides legal assistance and advocacy in 17 counties? (true/3)
Question: How many more cases will the grant money that West Tennessee Legal Services be able to handle next year? (true/4)
Question: Who estimated that the grant money will help handle at least another 180 cases next year? (false/5)
Last updated: Mon Apr 16 04:55:33 EDT 2018
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