Uses of Class

Packages that use CExample

Uses of CExample in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders

Fields in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders with type parameters of type CExample
private  java.util.Map<CExample,java.lang.Double> ScoredCorefDecoder.m_scoreCache
          The scores cache

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders with parameters of type CExample
protected  java.util.List<java.lang.String> ScoredCorefDecoder.getEdgeLabels(CExample ex)
          If the scoring classifier is a SparsePerceptron, generate a list of labels, each indicating the name and weight of an active feature.
 double ScoredCorefDecoder.getTrueScore(CExample ex)
          Gets the score for the true prediction of the scoring classifier applied to the example.
protected  boolean CorefDecoder.predictedCoreferential(CExample ex)
          Indicates whether the member classifier considers the example to be coreferential.
protected  boolean ScoredCorefDecoder.predictedCoreferential(CExample ex)
          Determines whether an example is coreferential.
protected  void BestLinkDecoder.recordStatsFor(CExample ex)
          Enables the recording of data about coreference examples as they are used in the decoding algorithm.

Uses of CExample in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors that return CExample
private  CExample CExExtractorUntilTrue.finished()
protected  CExample CExampleExtractorBasic.getExample(Doc d, int iM1, int iM2)
          Get a specific example.
 CExample CExExtractorUntilTrue.getNext()
          When bTraining is false, you must manually call recordEquivalence() afterwards if the predictor predicts positive.

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors that return types with arguments of type CExample
protected  java.util.List<CExample> CExExClosestPosAllNeg.generateAllExamples()
          Generates a list of all the examples in the following way: For each mention, create a positive example with the nearest preceding coreferential mention, and create negative examples with each preceding non-coreferential mention.
protected  java.util.List<CExample> CExampleExtractorBasic.generateAllExamples()
          Generates coreference examples from all ordered pairs of mentions of a document such that any filters accept them.
 java.util.List<CExample> CExExtractorUntilTrue.getExamples()
          WARNING: Resets state.

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors with parameters of type CExample
 boolean CExampleExtractorBasic.doFiltersAccept(CExample ex)
          Determines whether all applicable filters accept the example.

Uses of CExample in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features with parameters of type CExample
static boolean WordNetFeatures.areAntonyms(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether one mention is the antonym of another mention.
static boolean DistanceFeatures.areAppositives(CExample ex)
          Determines whether two mentions are in an appositive relationship, currently approximated by checking whether only a comma intervenes between their extents.
static boolean DistanceFeatures.areClosestCompatible(CExample ex)
          Determines whether the first mention of ex is the closest preceding mention compatible with the second mention of ex.
static boolean WordNetFeatures.areHypernyms(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether one mention is the hypernym of another mention.
static boolean AliasFeatures.areSoonAlias(CExample ex)
          Determines whether two mentions are aliases, as computed by the two parameter form of this method, and using gold Entity Types.
static boolean AliasFeatures.areSoonAlias(CExample ex, boolean useGoldEType)
          Determines whether two mentions are aliases, as defined in Soon et al., Computational Linguistics, 2001.
static boolean AliasFeatures.areSoonAlias(CExample ex, boolean useGoldEType, boolean useCache)
          Determines whether two mentions are aliases, as defined in Soon et al., Computational Linguistics, 2001.
static boolean AliasFeatures.areSoonAliasBetter(CExample ex, boolean useGoldETypes)
          Determines whether the mentions are aliases.
static boolean WordNetFeatures.areSynonyms(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether one mention is the synonym of another mention.
static boolean ContextFeatures.bothSpeakNearby(CExample ex, int size)
          Determine whether both mentions have a word that is synonymous for "say" within size words of their extents.
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.doETypesMatch(CExample ex)
          Determines whether the entity types of two mentions match, as determined by EntityTypeFeatures.getEType(
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.doETypesMatch(CExample ex, boolean useCache)
          Determines whether the entity types of two mentions match, as determined by EntityTypeFeatures.getEType(
static java.lang.String NameFeatures.doFirstNamesMatch(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether the first names match.
static java.lang.String GenderFeatures.doGendersMatch(CExample ex, boolean useWN)
          Determines whether the gender of two mentions match, according to GenderFeatures.getGender(, boolean).
static java.lang.String GenderFeatures.doGendersMatch(CExample ex, boolean useWN, boolean useCache)
          Determines whether the gender of two mentions match, according to GenderFeatures.getGender(, boolean).
static java.lang.String GenderFeatures.doGendersMatchForBasic(CExample ex)
          This is a legacy function for use as a feature for the learned classifier that predicts simple coreference, used to determine whether names match.
static java.lang.String GenderFeatures.doGendersMatchForCompatible(CExample ex, boolean useWN)
          Determines the gender of a mention.
static java.lang.String NameFeatures.doHonoraryTitlesMatch(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether the Honorary Titles (like Mr or Mrs) match.
static boolean AliasFeatures.doInitialsMatch(CExample ex)
          Determines whether the heads of two mentions have the same initials.
static boolean AliasFeatures.doInitialsMatchBetter(CExample ex)
          Checks whether two mentions initials match.
static boolean AliasFeatures.doLastNamesMatch(CExample ex, boolean useGoldETypes)
          Determines whether mentions have the same last name, if people.
static boolean StringSimilarityFeatures.doLastWordsMatch(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether the last word of one mention matches the last word of another mention.
static java.lang.String NumberFeatures.doNumbersMatchStrong(CExample ex, boolean useDicts)
          Determines if the number (singular or plural) of two mentions match.
static boolean WordNetFeatures.doShareHypernyms(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether two mentions have the same hypernym.
static boolean GenderFeatures.genderMatchBoolean(CExample ex)
          Determines whether the gender of two mentions match as determined by GenderFeatures.getGender(, boolean).
static double StringSimilarityFeatures.getEdit(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Gets the character-based edit distance, normalized by the length of the longer string.
static java.lang.String TokenFeatures.getLastHeadWordPair(CExample ex)
          Gets the last word of each mention's head, where each word by conjoining the ordered pair of words with "_AND_".
static int DistanceFeatures.getNumCompatibleMentsBetween(CExample ex)
          Computes the number of mentions between ex.getM1() and ex.getM2() that are compatible with m2.
static int StringSimilarityFeatures.getNumDiffCapitalizedWords(CExample ex)
          Determines the number of capitalized words occur in exactly one mention.
static int DistanceFeatures.getNumMentsBetween(CExample ex)
          Computes the distance in mentions of the mentions of ex Runs in time proportional to the number of mentions.
static java.lang.String[] TokenFeatures.getSharedWords(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Gets the set of all words that are contained in both mentions.
static java.lang.String[] AlignedTokenFeatures.getWNAlignedPairRelations(CExample ex)
          Extracts the relations between the aligned words returned by getWNAlignedPreModifierPairs()
static java.util.List<Pair<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>> AlignedTokenFeatures.getWNAlignedPreModifierPairs(CExample ex)
          Aligns each word a in the first mention before its head to each word b in the second mention's extent that is aligned to a according to AlignedTokenFeatures.aligned(java.lang.String, java.lang.String).
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> AlignedTokenFeatures.getWNAlignedPreModifiers(CExample ex)
          Gets the aligned words conjoined as strings.
static java.lang.String TokenFeatures.lastWordPair(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Gets the last word of each mention, conjoined by "_AND_".
static boolean StringSimilarityFeatures.leftSubstring(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether one mention's text begins with the text of the other mention.
static java.lang.String DistanceFeatures.mentionDistHeads(CExample ex)
          Computes the distance of the mentions of ex, in mention count, as a string, or "BIG" if that number is greater than or equal to 10.
static java.lang.String TokenFeatures.mTypeProWord(CExample ex)
          Gets the mention types of both mentions, conjoined by "&&", except that if the second mention is a pronoun, the last word of its head is substituted for its mention type.
static boolean AliasFeatures.noETypeAlias(CExample ex)
          Determine whether the mentions are aliases, without using entity types.
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.predETypeOrProWord(CExample ex)
          Gets the predicted entity type, or the pronoun word if a pronoun.
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.predETypeOrProWord(CExample ex, boolean useCache)
          Gets the predicted entity type, or the pronoun word if a pronoun.
static boolean LearnedFeatures.prenominalModifierNamesCompatible(CExample ex)
          Determines whether all the proper name modifiers appearing before the heads of the two mentions are coreferential, as predicted by a learned classifier.
static boolean StringSimilarityFeatures.prenominalModifierWordMatchAnotherOrHeadWord(CExample ex)
          Determines whether any words of one mention preceding its head match any words of the other mention that precede or are contained in the head.
static java.lang.String[] TokenFeatures.preWordPairs(CExample ex)
          Get the pairs of words preceding the heads, by conjoining the ordered pair of words with "_AND_".
static boolean PronounFeatures.relativePronounFor(CExample ex)
          Determines whether one mention is a relative pronoun referring to the other mention.
static boolean StringSimilarityFeatures.rightSubstring(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether one mention's text ends with the text of the other mention.
static boolean DistanceFeatures.soonAppositive(CExample ex)
          Determine whether the mentions are in an appositive relationship, as defined by Soon et al., 2001.
static boolean StringSimilarityFeatures.subsequence(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether the sequence of words in one mention is a subsequence of the words in another mention.
static boolean StringSimilarityFeatures.substring(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether one mention's text is a substring of the other's.
static boolean StringSimilarityFeatures.textMatchSoon(CExample ex, boolean useHead)
          Determines whether the text (either the heads or the extents) of the mentions match, after dropping stop words.

Uses of CExample in

Fields in with type parameters of type CExample
private  java.util.Map<Pair<Mention,Mention>,CExample> DocBase.m_cExMap

Methods in that return CExample
 CExample DocBase.getCExampleFor(Mention m1, Mention m2)
 CExample Doc.getCExampleFor(Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Returns the unique CExample for the given pair of mentions in the given order.

Uses of CExample in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers

Fields in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers with type parameters of type CExample
private  java.util.List<CExample> CoParser.m_examples

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers that return CExample
private  CExample CoParser.getNextExample()
          Gets an example from the cache and prepares for the next example.
          Gets the next coreference example, or null if no more examples remain.

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers that return types with arguments of type CExample
private  java.util.List<CExample> CoParser.getExamples()
          Load all examples from the example extractor.