Uses of Class

Packages that use DocLoader   

Uses of DocLoader in

Subclasses of DocLoader in
 class DocAPFLoader
          Loads a corpus of APF documents.
 class DocFromTextLoader
          Loads a document from a plain text string, rather than from a file.
 class DocPlainTextLoader
          Loads documents from the filenames listed in the specified file.

Methods in that return DocLoader
static DocLoader DocLoader.getDefaultLoader()
          Gets the default loader.
static DocLoader DocLoader.getDefaultLoader(java.lang.String fileList)
          Gets the default loader.

Uses of DocLoader in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers with parameters of type DocLoader
protected  void BIOParser.startup(DocLoader loader)
          Prepares the parser, by loading documents and resetting the doc.
protected  void CoParser.startup(DocLoader loader)
          Prepares the parser, by loading documents and resetting the doc.
protected  void IntroParser.startup(DocLoader loader)
protected  void EMParser.startup(DocLoader loader)
          Prepares the parser, by loading documents and resetting.

Constructors in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers with parameters of type DocLoader
BIOParser(DocLoader loader)
          Constructs a Parser that extracts examples from a corpus, with documents loaded by a specified document loader.
CoParser(DocLoader loader, CExampleExtractor extractor)
          Constructs a Parser that extracts coreference examples from a corpus, with documents loaded by a specified document loader and coreference examples extracted from each document using the specified example extractor.
ExtendHeadsParser(DocLoader loader, ChunkDecoder headDecoder)