Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexWord

Uses of IndexWord in edu.brandeis.cs.steele.wn

Methods in edu.brandeis.cs.steele.wn that return IndexWord
protected  IndexWord FileBackedDictionary.getIndexWordAt(POS pos, long offset)
(package private)  IndexWord IndexWord.initializeFrom(java.lang.String line)
 IndexWord DictionaryDatabase.lookupIndexWord(POS pos, java.lang.String lemma)
          Look up a word in the database.
 IndexWord FileBackedDictionary.lookupIndexWord(POS pos, java.lang.String string)
(package private) static IndexWord IndexWord.parseIndexWord(FileBackedDictionary dictionary, java.lang.String line)

Uses of IndexWord in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features

Fields in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features with type parameters of type IndexWord
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IndexWord> WordNetTools.wordCache

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features that return IndexWord
private  IndexWord WordNetTools.getIndexNoun(java.lang.String word)
          Looks up the IndexWord of a string in WordNet.
private  IndexWord WordNetTools.getIndexWord(java.lang.String word)
          Looks up the IndexWord of a string in WordNet.
private  IndexWord WordNetTools.getIndexWord(java.lang.String word, java.lang.String pos)
          Looks up the IndexWord of a string in WordNet.
protected  IndexWord WordNetTools.lookupIndexNounSafe(java.lang.String word)
          Looks up the IndexWord of a string in WordNet.
protected  IndexWord WordNetTools.lookupIndexWordSafe(java.lang.String word, java.lang.String pos)
          Looks up the IndexWord of a string in WordNet.

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features with parameters of type IndexWord
 java.util.Set<Word> WordNetTools.getAllHypernyms(IndexWord word)
          Gets all hypernyms of all senses of a word.
 java.util.Set<Word> WordNetTools.getAntonyms(IndexWord word)
          Gets all antonyms for all senses of a word.
 java.util.Set<Word> WordNetTools.getHypernyms(IndexWord word)
          Gets hypernyms of all senses of a word.
 java.util.List<Word> WordNetTools.getSenseWords(IndexWord word)
          Gets the Word for each sense of word.
 java.util.Set<Word> WordNetTools.getSynonyms(IndexWord word)
          Gets all synonyms for all senses of a word.
 void WordNetTools.printSynsets(IndexWord word)
          Writes the synsets of word to System.out.