Package edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features

Class Summary
AliasFeatures Collection of feature generating functions that relate to aliases.
AlignedTokenFeatures Collection of feature generating functions that compare or return aligned tokens.
Capitals A class for loading a list of pairs of capitals of countries and checking to see whether one location is the capital of a country.
Case Features related to case.
ContextFeatures Collection of features related to the context of one or more mentions.
DistanceFeatures Collection of features related to the relative location of mentions.
EntityTypeFeatures A collection of features related to the entity type of a mention or the relationship between the entity types of mentions.
Gazetteers A collection of gazetteers.
GenderFeatures A collection of feature generating functions and utilities for determining the gender of an entity.
LearnedFeatures A collection of features based on classifiers learned from data.
Matches Stores pairings of equivalent strings, loaded from a file.
NameFeatures Collection of feature generators and tools for computing properties of names.
Nicknames Stores a two-way mapping between nicknames and full names.
NumberFeatures A collection of features related to the number (singular or plural) of a phrase or mention.
PartOfSpeechTools A collection of features that involve part of speech tags.
PronounFeatures Collection of features and tools related to pronouns.
StringSimilarityFeatures A collection of features relating to the similarity of strings.
StringTools A collection of tools related to strings.
TokenFeatures Collection of feature generating functions that return tokens (word strings) in or around the mentions of a CExample.
WordNetFeatures Collection of features that determine the relationship of two mentions using WordNet.
WordNetTools A collection of methods for dealing with WordNet, with functionality to look up words in WordNet and determine the synonyms, hypernyms, and antonyms.