Uses of Class

Packages that use MentionDecoder

Uses of MentionDecoder in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders

Subclasses of MentionDecoder in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders
 class ExtendHeadsDecoder
          A decoder for determining the extents of the mentions, given their heads as chunks.

Uses of MentionDecoder in

Fields in declared as MentionDecoder
protected  MentionDecoder DocLoader.m_mdDecoder
          Decoder that extracts predicted mentions from a document

Constructors in with parameters of type MentionDecoder
DocAPFLoader(java.lang.String fileListFN, MentionDecoder mentionDecoder, LBJ2.classify.Classifier mTyper)
          Construct a loader that loads a list of APF documents given the name of the file specifying a list of document filenames.
DocAPFLoader(java.lang.String fileListFN, MentionDecoder mentionDecoder, LBJ2.classify.Classifier mTyper, DocBase.PosSource posSource)
          Construct a loader that loads a list of APF documents given the name of the file specifying a list of document filenames.
DocFromTextLoader(MentionDecoder mentionDetector, LBJ2.classify.Classifier mTyper)
          Constructs a loader that will detect and type mentions automatically.
DocFromTextLoader(MentionDecoder mentionDetector, LBJ2.classify.Classifier mTyper, boolean doWordSplit)
          Constructs a loader that will detect and type mentions automatically.
DocLoader(MentionDecoder mentionDecoder, LBJ2.classify.Classifier mTyper)
          Construct a loader for use when no file is used.
DocLoader(java.lang.String fileListFN, MentionDecoder mentionDecoder, LBJ2.classify.Classifier mTyper)
          Construct a loader that loads a list of documents from a file.
DocPlainTextLoader(java.lang.String fileListFN, MentionDecoder mentionDetector, LBJ2.classify.Classifier mTyper)
          Constructs a loader that loads plain text files, and will detect and type mentions automatically.