Uses of Class

Packages that use Entity

Uses of Entity in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders with parameters of type Entity
protected  void CorefKeyDecoder.oneFilterEntity(ChainSolution<Mention> sol, Entity ent)
          Adds the mentions of the provided entity that are accepted by the (first) filter as a chain in the solution.
protected  void CorefKeyDecoder.twoFilterEntity(ChainSolution<Mention> sol, Entity ent)
          Links every pair of mentions of the provided entity that are accepted by the filter(s).
protected  void CorefKeyDecoder.zeroFilterEntity(ChainSolution<Mention> sol, Entity ent)
          Adds the mentions in the provided entity as a chain in the solution.

Uses of Entity in

Methods in with parameters of type Entity
 int o1, Entity o2)
          Sorts by smallest character number of entity's first (according to Mention's compare function) mention's extent (Start, then end).
 int Entity.compareTo(Entity e)
          Compare by short eID numerically, or lexicographically if same numbers.

Uses of Entity in

Fields in with type parameters of type Entity
private  java.util.List<Entity> DocBase.m_predEntities
private  java.util.List<Entity> DocBase.m_trueEntities

Methods in that return Entity
 Entity DocBase.getEntityFor(Mention m)
          Currently implemented slowly.
 Entity Doc.getEntityFor(Mention m)
          Gets the entity containing m.
 Entity DocBase.getEntityFor(Mention m, boolean usePred)
          Currently implemented slowly.
 Entity Doc.getEntityFor(Mention m, boolean usePred)
          Gets the entity containing m.
protected  Entity DocBase.getEntityFor(Mention m, java.util.List<Entity> entities)
          Currently implemented slowly.
protected  Entity DocACEPhase2.loadEntity(org.w3c.dom.Node nEntity)
          Loads an entity from an xml representation and returns it.
protected abstract  Entity DocXMLBase.loadEntity(org.w3c.dom.Node nEntity)
protected  Entity DocAPF.loadEntity(org.w3c.dom.Node nEntity)
          Loads an entity from an XML representation and returns it.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Entity
 java.util.Map<Entity,java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String>> DocBase.getCoherenceInfo()
 java.util.Map<Entity,java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String>> Doc.getCoherenceInfo()
          Gets the coherence info using the value of usePredictedEntities() to determine whether to use predicted entities.
 java.util.Map<Entity,java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String>> DocBase.getCoherenceInfo(boolean usePred)
 java.util.Map<Entity,java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String>> Doc.getCoherenceInfo(boolean usePred)
          Gets a grid indicating the mention type for each combination of entities and sentences.
 java.util.List<Entity> DocBase.getEntities()
 java.util.List<Entity> Doc.getEntities()
          Gets the entities, in no particular order.
 java.util.List<Entity> DocBase.getPredEntities()
 java.util.List<Entity> Doc.getPredEntities()
          Gets a list of predicted entities, in no particular order.
 java.util.List<Entity> DocBase.getTrueEntities()
 java.util.List<Entity> Doc.getTrueEntities()
          Gets a list of true entities, in no particular order.
protected  java.util.List<Entity> DocBase.sortEntitiesByListOrder(java.util.List<Entity> ents, java.util.List<Entity> ordered)
          Does NOT modify in place (but this may change).

Methods in with parameters of type Entity
protected  void DocBase.addTrueEntity(Entity e)
          Can be made public, but then need to ensure that e's mentions are all added.
protected  java.lang.String DocACEPhase2.toXMLString(Entity e)
protected  java.lang.String DocAPF.toXMLString(Entity e)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Entity
protected  void DocBase.addPredEntities(java.util.List<Entity> ents)
          Backed internally.
protected  Entity DocBase.getEntityFor(Mention m, java.util.List<Entity> entities)
          Currently implemented slowly.
protected  java.util.List<Entity> DocBase.sortEntitiesByListOrder(java.util.List<Entity> ents, java.util.List<Entity> ordered)
          Does NOT modify in place (but this may change).
protected  java.util.List<Entity> DocBase.sortEntitiesByListOrder(java.util.List<Entity> ents, java.util.List<Entity> ordered)
          Does NOT modify in place (but this may change).