Uses of Interface

Packages that use Solution

Uses of Solution in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders

Classes in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders with type parameters of type Solution
 class DecoderWithOptions<ST extends Solution>
          Abstract class for decoding some set of predictions into an arbitrary solution type.
 interface KeyDecoder<ST extends Solution>
          Interface for decoders that extract the gold (true) values, or keys, from a document.
 interface SolutionDecoder<ST extends Solution>
          Descendants take classifiers (or a set of input structures), and produce a Solution appropriate to the evaluation tasks.

Uses of Solution in

Classes in that implement Solution
 class ChainSolution<T>
          Represents a partition(a set of non-overlapping subsets called chains) and edges linking some items in the partition, along with edge labels.
 class ChunkSolution
          A ChunkSolution represents a set of chunks.
 class ListSolution<T>
          A solution containing a set of objects of some type T
 class MentionSolution
          A solution that stores a list of mentions.
 class SetSolution<T>
          A solution containing a set of objects of some type T

Uses of Solution in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.scorers

Classes in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.scorers with type parameters of type Solution
 class Scorer<ST extends Solution>
          Base class for scorers that take a predicted solution and an answer key and return some quality metric.