Uses of Interface

Packages that use Doc

Uses of Doc in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders with parameters of type Doc
 ChunkSolution BIODecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Classifies each word (wrapped in a BIOExample) in a document, starting at the first text word, as beginning ('b'), inside ('i') or outside ('o') a chunk, and decodes these decisions into a list of chunks.
 ST SolutionDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Decode a document into a solution.
 ChainSolution<Mention> BestLinkDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Takes the mentions in the specified document and produces a collection of coreference equivalence classes.
 ST KeyDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Decodes a document.
abstract  ChainSolution<CT> KeyChainDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Decodes a document into a ChainSolution.
abstract  ST ChainSolutionDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Decodes a document, typically by translating classifier decisions to a solution type.
 ChainSolution<Mention> CorefKeyDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Extract the entities from a document and encode the parts that are accepted by any optional filters into a ChainSolution representing those entities.
abstract  ChunkSolution ChunkDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Translates a document into a set of chunks represented by a ChunkSolution, generally by applying a given classifier.
abstract  MentionSolution MentionDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Override to translate a document into a MentionSolution.
abstract  ST DecoderWithOptions.decode(Doc doc)
          Decode a document into a solution.
 MentionSolution ExtendHeadsDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Applies a classifier to chunks to determine their extents and decode these decisions into a MentionSolution.

Uses of Doc in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors

Fields in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors declared as Doc
protected  Doc DocFilteredBatchExEx.m_doc

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors that return Doc
 Doc DocFilteredBatchExEx.getDoc()
          Get the document
 Doc DocExampleExtractor.getDoc()
          Get the document.

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors with parameters of type Doc
protected  CExample CExampleExtractorBasic.getExample(Doc d, int iM1, int iM2)
          Get a specific example.
 void DocFilteredBatchExEx.setDoc(Doc doc)
          Sets the document and resets the extractor.
 void DocExampleExtractor.setDoc(Doc doc)
          Sets the document and resets.

Constructors in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors with parameters of type Doc
CExampleExtractorBasic(Doc doc)
          Constructs a coreference example extractor that will extract examples from the given document.
CExampleExtractorBasic(Doc doc, CFilter cFilter)
          Constructs a coreference example extractor with a CExample filter that will extract examples from the given document.
CExExtractorUntilTrue(Doc doc, CFilter filter, boolean training)

Uses of Doc in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features with parameters of type Doc
static boolean DistanceFeatures.compatible(Doc d, Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Determines whether two mentions are compatible.
protected static boolean ContextFeatures.contextWordInSet(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> words, Doc d, int s, int e)
          Determines whether a word in the document numbered between s and e inclusive is contained in words.
static java.lang.String Case.getCasedWord(Doc d, int wordNum, LBJ2.classify.Classifier caser)
          Given a word in a document, returns that word in the case that caser predicts it should be.
static java.util.Set<java.lang.String> PartOfSpeechTools.getLCNounAdjsBetween(Doc d, int s, int e)
          Retrieve the set of nouns in a document of the words between the word at position s and the word at position e.
static java.util.Set<java.lang.String> PartOfSpeechTools.getLCNounsBetween(Doc d, int s, int e)
          Retrieve the set of nouns in a document of the words between the word at position s and the word at position e.

Uses of Doc in

Methods in that return Doc
protected abstract  Doc DocLoader.createDoc(java.lang.String inputString)
          Create a document from the given string, treating inputString as a filename or as text depending on the subclass.
protected  Doc DocPlainTextLoader.createDoc(java.lang.String filename)
          Constructs and returns a document from the specified plain text file.
protected  Doc DocFromTextLoader.createDoc(java.lang.String text)
          Constructs and returns a document from the given plain text.
protected  Doc DocAPFLoader.createDoc(java.lang.String filename)
          Construct an DocAPF document from the given filename, which may end with the extension ".apf.xml".
 Doc DocLoader.loadDoc(java.lang.String inputString)
          Loads a document.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Doc
 java.util.List<Doc> DocLoader.loadDocs()
          Load all the documents using filename and utilities already set.

Methods in with parameters of type Doc
protected  java.util.List<Mention> DocLoader.getPredMents(Doc doc)
          Predict mentions using predicted mention decoder, sets mention types predicted by mention type classifier, and sets entity types using the entity type feature.

Uses of Doc in

Fields in declared as Doc
private  Doc Mention.m_doc
private  Doc Chunk.m_doc

Methods in that return Doc
 Doc Mention.getDoc()
          Gets the document containing this mention.

Constructors in with parameters of type Doc
Chunk(Doc d, int start, int end, java.lang.String text)
          Constructs a chunk given a range of characters, some text, and a document for context.
Mention(Doc d, Chunk headAndExtent)
          A basic constructor that assumes the head and the extent are identical.
Mention(Doc d, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String ldcType, java.lang.String ldcAtr, java.lang.String role, Chunk extent, Chunk head, java.lang.String entityID, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String subtype, java.lang.String specificity, boolean isTrueMention)
          A complete constructor.

Uses of Doc in

Classes in that implement Doc
 class DocACEPhase2
 class DocAPF
 class DocBase
          Represents one document from a corpus, including the text, annotations of coreference, relations, entities, and other relevant information.
 class DocPlainText
          Represents a Doc constructed from plain text.
 class DocXMLBase
          The superclass of documents loaded from XML.

Uses of Doc in

Fields in declared as Doc
 Doc CExample.m_doc
 Doc CaseExample.m_doc
protected  Doc WordExample.m_doc
          The document containing the example word.

Methods in that return Doc
 Doc CExample.getDoc()
          Gets the document that provides context for the mentions in the example.
 Doc WordExample.getDoc()

Constructors in with parameters of type Doc
BIOExample(Doc doc, int wordN, char bioH, BIOExample prev)
          Constructs a BIO example for a given word with respect to its presence in a head.
BIOExample(Doc doc, int wordN, char bioH, char bioE, BIOExample prev)
          Constructs a BIO example for a given word with respect to its presence in a head and in an extent.
CaseExample(Doc doc, int wordN)
CExample(Doc doc, Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to mentions m1 and m2 in the context of doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a cluster of mentions c1 and a mention m2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, Mention m2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a mention m2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, Mention m1, Mention m2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
ExtendHeadExample(Doc doc, Chunk head, int wordN)
          Constructs an example representing a word in a document, and a head: The example may or may not be a word in the extent associated with the given head.
ExtendHeadExample(Doc doc, Chunk head, int wordN, boolean in)
          Constructs an example representing a word in a document, and a head, and a label indicating whether the word is part of the extent corresponding to the given head.
WordExample(Doc doc, int wordNum)
          Constructs a word example from a given document and word number.

Uses of Doc in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers

Fields in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers with type parameters of type Doc
protected  java.util.List<Doc> BIOParser.m_docs
private  java.util.List<Doc> CoParser.m_docs
private  java.util.List<Doc> IntroParser.m_docs
private  java.util.List<Doc> ExtendHeadsParser.m_docs
private  java.util.List<Doc> EMParser.m_docs

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers with parameters of type Doc
 java.util.List<BIOExample> BIOParser.getBIOExamples(Doc d)
 java.util.List<ExtendHeadExample> ExtendHeadsParser.getExamples(Doc d)
protected  java.util.Set<Chunk> ExtendHeadsParser.getTrueExtents(Doc d)