The Third Midwest Computational Linguistics Colloquium
Saturday, May 20
- 08:30-09:00 Registration and Welcome
- CHAIR: Richard Sproat
- 09:00-09:25
Dependency Parsing with a Linear Pipeline Model
Ming-Wei Chang, Quang Do, Dan Roth
- 09:25-09:50
An Investigation into Improving Part-of-Speech Tagging
Markus Dickinson
Georgetown University
- 09:50-10:15
Ordering Sentences According to Topicality
Ilana Bromberg
- 10:15-10:40
Evaluating a summarizer for legal text with a large text collection
Frank Schilder, Hugo Molina-Salgado
Thomson Legal & Regulatory
- 10:40-11:00 BREAK
- CHAIR: Roxana Girju
- 11:00-11:25
Semantic Relatedness: Computational Investigation of Human Data
Beata Beigman Klebanov
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 11:25-11:50
Context Sensitive Paraphrasing
Michael Connor, Dan Roth
- 11:50-12:15
Topic Term Identification for Context Question Answering
Matt Gerber and Joyce Chai
Michigan State University
- 12:15-14:00 LUNCH
- CHAIR: Richard Sproat
- 14:00-15:00 INVITED TALK
The Computational Nature of Language Learning and Evolution
Partha Niyogi
University of Chicago
- CHAIR: Roxana Girju
- 15:00-15:25
An Unsupervised Verb Class Disambiguation
Jianguo Li
- 15:25-15:50
Ontology-Based Inference Methods
Olga Krachina, Victor Raskin
Purdue University
- 15:50-16:10 BREAK
- CHAIR: ChengXiang Zhai
- 16:10-16:35
Named Entity Discovery in Multilingual Comparable Corpora
Alexandre Klementiev, Dan Roth
- 16:35-17:00
Computing Term Translation Probabilities with Generalized Latent Semantic Analysis
Irina Matveeva, Gina-Anne Levow
University of Chicago
- 17:00-17:25
A Maxent NER for Chinese Based on Ratnaparkhi's POS Tagger
Jack Zhao
- 17:25-17:50
Bartlett's Test Applied in a Latent Semantic Analysis of Parallel-Aligned Sentences in French and English
Katri A. Clodfelder
Indiana University
Sunday, May 21
- CHAIR: Chilin Shih
- 09:25-09:50
Analysis of Pitch Contours in Repetition-Disfluency using Stem-ML
Rajiv M. Reddy, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
- 09:50-10:15
On the creation of a pronunciation dictionary for Hungarian
Stephen Grimes
Indiana University
- 10:15-10:40
Voice Quality Dependent Speech Recognition
Tae-Jin Yoon, Xiaodan Zhuang, Jennifer Cole, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
- 10:40-11:00 BREAK
- CHAIR: Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
- 11:00-11:25
Steps towards Incremental Semantics for Spoken Dialog Systems
Gregory S. Aist, Scott Stoness, James Allen
University of Rochester
- 11:25-11:50
Incrementally Segmenting Incoming Speech into Pragmatic Fragments
Gregory S. Aist
University of Rochester
- 11:50-12:15
Gender in Shakespeare: Automatic Stylistic Analysis of Shakespeare's Characters
Sobhan Raj Hota, Shlomo Argamon
Illinois Institute of Technoloy
- 12:15-14:00 LUNCH
- CHAIR: Dan Roth
- 14:00-14:25
Predicting User Attention using Eye Gaze in Conversational Interfaces
Zahar Prasov, Joyce Chai
Michigan State University
- 14:25-14:50
Tutorial Dialogue Patterns: Expert vs. Non-expert Tutors
Xin Lu, Barbara Di Eugenio, Trina C. Kershaw, Stellan Ohlsson, Andrew Corrigan-Halpern
University of Illinois at Chicago
Unpresented Accepted Papers
Dialectal Clustering Using Exemplar-based Models of Phonotactics
Paul Rodrigues
Indiana University
On the possibility of lexical bootstrapping
Aarre Laakso
Indiana University
Mutual Information as a Segmentation Cue in Connectionist Learning Approaches
Joshua Herring
Indiana University